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  Prof. Md. Monwarul Islam    



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He was born on Nov.30,1949 in Rajshahi Bangladesh. He obtained M.Sc. in 1973 from Rajshahi University and Ph.D in 1983 from IIT Bombay, India. He has joined as lecturer in the Chemistry Department BUET, Dhaka in 1974 and he became professor in september 1994. He served as provost in Titumir Hall BUET from 1996 to 2002. He was also head of the Department of Chemistry,BUET, from 1993 to 1995. Four students obtained M.Phil. degree under his supervision. His present research interests are studies on complex compounds, Electroanalytical chemistry; preparation of ISES and their application



1.                Shariff  E. kabir, kalipada Kundu, Manwarul Islam and S.M.Bashir Ullah,J.Bangladesh Acad. Sci., vol.25, No.1, 2001, 71-74.

2.         Manwarul Islam, Sharif E. kabir, Kalipada kundu, K.M. Abdul Malik and S.M. Bashir Ullah ,J,Chem. crystallography, Vol.30,No.6,2000,399-383

3.         Manwarul Islam,Caroline A.Johns, Shariff E.Kabir,Kalipada kundu, K.M. Abdul Malik and  S.M. Bashir Ullah , J. Chem. crystallography, vol.29,No.9,1999,1001-1007

4.                    M. A. Aziz, M.S. Ali and M.M.Islam, Chem. Engg. Res. Bulletin, Vol. 10,1993,          


5.                    Y. F. Eng, G. Goodlet, N.K. Harris, M.M. Islam, G.J. Moody and J.D.R. Thomas, Analyst. Vol. 116, 1991,469-472.


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